As of 03/24/2025
  Indus: 42,583 +597.97 +1.4%  
  Trans: 14,926 +317.49 +2.2%  
  Utils: 1,009 +0.03 +0.0%  
  Nasdaq: 18,189 +404.54 +2.3%  
  S&P 500: 5,768 +100.01 +1.8%  
  Targets    Overview: 02/28/2025  
  Down arrow40,000 or 43,500 by 04/01/2025
  Down arrow14,400 or 16,400 by 04/01/2025
  Up arrow1,050 or 970 by 04/01/2025
  Down arrow16,200 or 19,000 by 04/01/2025
  Down arrow5,300 or 5,900 by 04/01/2025
As of 03/24/2025
  Indus: 42,583 +597.97 +1.4%  
  Trans: 14,926 +317.49 +2.2%  
  Utils: 1,009 +0.03 +0.0%  
  Nasdaq: 18,189 +404.54 +2.3%  
  S&P 500: 5,768 +100.01 +1.8%  
  Targets    Overview: 02/28/2025  
  Down arrow40,000 or 43,500 by 04/01/2025
  Down arrow14,400 or 16,400 by 04/01/2025
  Up arrow1,050 or 970 by 04/01/2025
  Down arrow16,200 or 19,000 by 04/01/2025
  Down arrow5,300 or 5,900 by 04/01/2025

Bulkowski on Small Pattern Performance

2/21/2025. Fixed a mistake with horn bottoms. Rank has been adjusted.

This article compares the performance of small chart patterns. I don't have a definition of what a "small" chart pattern is, but I include those that are a few bars wide. The longest, is the NR7, which is seven bars long. Some (horns, pipes, and weekly reversals) use the weekly scale.

Performance Findings Summary

The top ten small patterns showing the best performance are these.

Best Performers
 Ratio  Inbound
 Security Type  Rank 
Wide ranging day downside reversal (3x height target)6.16UpStocks1
Wide ranging day upside reversal2.85DownCryptocurrency5
Bullish key reversal bar, v22.81UpStocks6
Inverted gap2H2.71UpETFs7
One day reversal, bottom2.47DownETFs8
Horn bottoms (weekly scale)2.39DownStocks9
Wide ranging day downside reversal2.22UpETFs10


Ratio is the ratio of average profit per trade divided by the benchmark's average profit per trade. The higher the ratio, the better.

Inbound trend is the slope of the line found using linear regression on the (high+low)/2 prices for the 5 days before the start of the pattern.

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Small Patterns: Target Exit Notes

Tables 1, 2, and 3 shows metrics related to small price patterns based on how well they reach a price target in bull markets. The target is twice the height of the pattern added to the top of the pattern. A stop loss order placed a penny below the bottom of the pattern represents a sell signal. Commission were $0. All patterns used upward breakouts only even if they are supposed to be bearish (downward breakouts). See Methodology for more testing details.


Average Gain is the average gain or loss per trade.
The Benchmark Gain depends on the number of price bars in the pattern and the inbound price trend. The results vary depending on the number of price bars. I picked a random day each period (often one or more times a month) and tested how well the random pattern behaved, using a 2x height exit target and stop loss order as described in these notes.
Ratio is the Average Gain divided by the Benchmark Gain. The higher the number the better the performance.
The inbound trend is the very short-term (5 days, using linear regression) trend before the pattern begins. The price trend leading to the chart pattern is either up or down.
I include price bars to help determine if longer patterns outperform short ones (or the reverse).
Ratio RankThose with the highest Ratio are the best performers using this trading setup. A low rank number (such as 1) is better than a high one (such as 10).

See the individual pattern for more details.

Small Patterns: Target Exit Performance in Stocks

Table 1 shows the small pattern performance in stocks, sorted by the ratio of average gain per trade compared to the benchmark.

Table 1: Small Pattern Performance with Upward Breakouts, Bull Markets, in Stocks
 Ratio  Inbound 
Wide ranging day downside reversal$200.40$32.556.16Up1 (Best)1
Bearish key reversal bar, v2$91.56$32.552.81Up13
Horn bottoms (weekly scale)$620.02$259.812.39Down34
Bullish key reversal bar, v2$135.16$62.362.17Down15
Wide ranging day upside reversal$134.10$62.362.15Down17
Pipe bottom (weekly scale)$402.11$200.962.00Up28
Closing price reversal, uptrend$64.48$32.551.98Up19
Inverted gap2H$164.42$83.911.96Down310
Pivot point reversal, uptrend$87.93$48.011.83Up212
Open-close reversal, uptrend$84.54$48.011.76Up213
One day reversal, bottom$81.47$51.85*1.57Down114
Hook reversal, uptrend$74.86$48.011.56Up215
Outside days$66.29$48.011.38Up216
Key reversal, downtrend$93.25$68.701.36Down217
One day reversal, top$39.23$29.08*1.35Up118
Pivot point reversal, downtrend$90.19$68.701.31Down219
Inside days$62.43$48.011.30Up220
Narrow range 4$127.80$100.271.27Down421
Two-step, bearish$166.15$131.161.27Down522
Bullish fakey$110.88$88.581.25Up424
Open-close reversal, downtrend$80.90$68.701.18Down227
Hook reversal, downtrend$79.00$68.701.15Down228
Narrow range 7$163.84$145.031.13Down729
Downside weekly reversals (weekly scale)$224.21$200.961.12Up230
2-Close, bearish$92.77$83.911.11Down331
Key reversal, uptrend$52.36$48.011.09Up232
2-Close, bullish$76.96$73.541.05Uptrend335
Bearish fakey (with upward breakouts)$103.93$100.271.03Down436
Closing price reversal, downtrend$64.04$62.361.03Down137
Bullish double key reversal$84.06$83.911.00Down338
Upside weekly reversals (weekly scale)$248.34$253.780.98Down239
Inverted 3L-R$91.06$100.270.91Down440
Turn-key, bearish$88.73$100.270.88Down441
Turn-key, bullish$70.79$100.270.71Down442
Bearish double key reversal$56.48$83.910.67Down343
Two-step, bullish$64.58$131.160.49Down544 (Worst)
 Ratio  Inbound 

Notes: * Uses a one-bar delay on entry to be comparable.


If you split the table in half, the top 22 entries (1 to 22) for the number of price bars total 45. The bottom half (23 to 44) total 70. It means that more price bars in a pattern results in worse performance.

For the very short-term price trend (5 days long) leading to the start of the pattern, the top half of the table shows a split between downtrends (11) and uptrends (11), so it's a tie.

The bottom half of the table shows downtrends (18) overwhelming uptrends (4). Because the patterns all have upward breakouts (those are the ones I tested and reported in the table), we know that a pattern in a short downtrend will act as a reversal (from downtrend to upward breakout) and an uptrend will be a continuation pattern. We can say that good performance isn't associated with either a short-term up or down trend, but poor performance tends to lean toward patterns that act as reversals (downtrends to upward breakouts).

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Small Patterns: Target Exit Performance in ETFs

Table 2 shows the small pattern performance in exchange traded funds.

Table 2: Small Pattern Performance with Upward Breakouts, Bull Markets, in ETFs
 Ratio  Inbound 
2-Tall$170.25$48.843.67Up21 Best
Inverted gap2H$187.03$68.942.71Up32
One day reversal, bottom$74.00$29.98*2.47Down13
Wide ranging day downside reversal$85.16$38.392.22Up14
Pipe bottom (weekly scale)$377.47$174.532.16Up25
Two-step, bullish$158.36**$90.881.74Down56
Wide ranging day upside reversal$83.38$49.241.69Down17
Bullish fakey$132.26$85.221.55Up49
Bearish fakey (with upward breakouts)$114.57$83.761.37Down411
Open-close reversal, downtrend$67.27$51.311.31Down212
Downside weekly reversals (weekly scale)$224.69$174.531.29Up214
Key reversal, downtrend$65.55$51.311.28Down215
Pivot point reversal, uptrend$59.94$48.841.23Up216
Closing price reversal, uptrend$46.01$38.391.20Up117
Narrow range 4$100.88$83.761.20Down418
Narrow range 7$133.38$110.801.20Up719
Open-close reversal, uptrend$58.42$48.841.20Up220
Pivot point reversal, downtrend$61.21$51.311.19Down221
Bullish double key reversal$77.74$68.341.14Down322
Hook reversal, downtrend$54.56$51.311.06Down224
Bullish key reversal bar, v2$49.57$49.241.01Down125
Outside days$50.47$51.310.98Down227
Hook reversal, uptrend$47.24$48.840.97Up228
One day reversal, top$29.87$31.17*0.96Up129
Closing price reversal, downtrend$45.20$49.240.92Down131
Upside weekly reversals (weekly scale)$149.39$180.350.83Down232
Inside days$27.88$48.840.82Up233
Inverted 3L-R$67.53$85.220.79Up434
2-Close, bearish$52.20$68.340.76Down335
Turn-key, bearish$55.81$83.760.67Down436
2-Close, bullish$41.52$68.340.61Down337
Key reversal, uptrend$29.98$48.840.61Up238
Turn-key, bullish$51.51$83.760.61Down439
Bearish double key reversal$20.37$68.340.30Down340
Bearish key reversal bar, v2$4.64$38.390.12Up141
2-Did$4.57$48.840.09Up242 Worst
 Ratio  Inbound 

Notes: * Uses a one-bar delay on entry to be comparable.

** Performance is based on few samples, so don't believe the results.


In terms of price bars, the top half of the table total 55 bars and the bottom half total 52, so there's no overwhelming consensus of a winner. Short and long patterns distribute about evenly across the table.

Small patterns in ETFs show the opposite performance of stocks. Downs and uptrends in the two halves split evenly: 11 are best in downtrends, 10 in uptrends, for each half.

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Small Patterns: Target Exit Performance in Cryptocurrency

Table 3 shows the small pattern performance in cryptocurrency.

Table 3: Small Pattern Performance with Upward Breakouts, Bull Markets, in Cryptocurrency
 Ratio  Inbound 
2-Tall$779.98$214.653.63Up21 Best
Wide ranging day upside reversal$348.19$122.372.85Down12
Bullish double key reversal*$462.23$224.622.06Up33
Bullish fakey$334.91$250.231.34Down45
2-Close, bearish$296.56$224.621.32Up36
Closing price reversal, downtrend$154.44$122.371.26Down17
Closing price reversal, uptrend$177.69$146.811.21Up18
Pivot point reversal, downtrend$178.34$147.181.21Down29
Bearish fakey (with upward breakouts)$295.53$250.231.18Down410
Pivot point reversal, uptrend$242.88$214.651.13Up212
2-Close, bullish$170.38$209.610.81Down314
Narrow range 7$252.04$320.010.79Up716
Inside days$156.42$214.650.73Up217
Outside days$156.46$214.650.73Up218
Narrow range 4$249.56$358.380.70Up419
Turn-key, bullish$248.20$358.380.69Up420
Inverted 3L-R$234.00$358.380.65Up421
Key reversal, uptrend$116.06$214.650.54Up223
Key reversal, downtrend$65.91$147.180.45Down224
Hook reversal, uptrend$78.72$214.650.37Up225
Hook reversal, downtrend($24.75)$147.18-0.17Down226 Worst
 Ratio  Inbound 
* Has few trades in performance tests, so results may be unreliable.


The total bar count for the top half of the table is 31 and it's 41 for the lower half. In other words, longer patterns (more price bars) tend to underperform.

For small patterns in cryptocurrencies, the top half of the table (1 to 13) total 6 in downtrends and 7 in uptrends (a tie).

The lower half of the table (14 to 26) show 4 in downtrends and 9 in uptrends. In other words, poor performance relates to small patterns that act as continuation patterns (uptrend leading to the pattern and an upward breakout).

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Small Patterns: Upward Breakout Performance

Table 4: Performance of Small Patterns with Upward Breakouts
Pattern Name Average 
Downside weekly reversals$132.3960%361
Open-close reversal, uptrend$118.6759%312
Key reversal, downtrend$95.2858%283
Wide ranging day downside reversal$92.0458%294
Open-close reversal, downtrend$90.3158%305
Outside Days$90.1658%296
Narrow range 4$89.2058%307
Upside weekly reversals$84.5857%368
Hook reversal, downtrend$81.5057%269
Inside Days$79.8238%2810
Narrow range 7$78.7957%3111
Wide ranging day upside reversal$75.9856%2712
Hook reversal, uptrend$75.9557%2813
Pivot point reversal, uptrend$73.5657%2915
Key reversal, uptrend$71.1156%3016
Pivot point reversal, downtrend$71.0356%2817
Inverted gap2H$65.4456%2919
One day reversal, bottom$61.3556%2720
One day reversal, top$46.1254%2922
Closing price reversal, downtrend$0.0952%2823
Pattern Name Average 

Table 4 shows the performance of small chart patterns based on the average gain.

In the tests of each pattern, I used a 7% gain for the profit exit and a 7% drop as the loss exit. In other words, after entering a trade, I set a profit target of 7% above the entry price. If the stock climbed 7%, the stock was sold for a 7% gain less $20 round trip commissions ($10 each way).

If the stock broke out upward but then dropped, the position was sold if the stock dropped 7% from the buy price. Averaging the results for all trades using the pattern gave the average gain, which I show.

The percent wins column is the percentage of times the chart pattern won.

The hold time is the duration of the trade, in calendar days.

The rank is a number for 1 (best), sorted by the average gain.

As the table shows, small patterns are not huge winners. Each trade began with $10,000, so they won $680 or lost $720 (it should be $700 each except for commissions and slippage).

Trades could make more or lose more if the stock gapped higher or lower.

Notice that the average gain is tiny -- $132 -- compared to $700 (a 7% gain).

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Small Patterns: Downward Breakout Performance

Table 5: Performance of Small Patterns with Downward Breakouts
Pattern Name Average 
Wide ranging day downside reversal($35.77)46%241
Upside weekly reversals($40.89)47%292
Open-close reversal, downtrend($47.93)45%283
Wide ranging day upside reversal($53.46)46%254
Narrow range 7($55.52)45%255
Pivot point reversal, downtrend($55.99)45%266
Hook reversal, downtrend($58.02)45%247
Narrow range 4($62.95)44%268
One day reversal, bottom($69.57)44%249
Inverted 3L-R($72.32)44%2510
Inside Days($75.73)43%2512
Open-close reversal, uptrend($76.87)43%2814
Outside Days($77.81)43%2715
Hook reversal, uptrend($77.94)43%2616
Inverted gap2H($84.45)43%2417
Key reversal, downtrend($88.09)43%2518
Pivot point reversal, uptrend($96.35)42%2619
One day reversal, top($97.80)42%2820
Key reversal, uptrend($108.82)41%2721
Downside weekly reversals($135.13)40%3322
Closing price reversal, uptrend($137.97)39%2723
Pattern Name Average 

Table 5 uses the same method as Table 4 except that the patterns listed had downward breakouts. That is, all trades began with $10,000. All shorted the stock and looked for price to drop 7% in a bull market. If it did not, a stop placed 7% above the entry price closed out the trade for a loss.

Commissions were $10 per trade or $20 round trip.

In this case, the average gain column actually shows a loss on every pattern! In other words, none of the chart patterns made money by shorting the stock.

-- Thomas Bulkowski

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