As of 01/17/2025
  Indus: 43,488 +334.70 +0.8%  
  Trans: 16,431 -169.75 -1.0%  
  Utils: 1,013 +1.53 +0.2%  
  Nasdaq: 19,630 +291.91 +1.5%  
  S&P 500: 5,997 +59.32 +1.0%  
  Targets    Overview: 01/15/2025  
  Up arrow44,700 or 41,600 by 02/01/2025
  Up arrow17,200 or 15,700 by 02/01/2025
  Up arrow1,050 or 950 by 02/01/2025
  Up arrow20,500 or 18,670 by 02/01/2025
  Up arrow6,100 or 5,700 by 02/01/2025
As of 01/17/2025
  Indus: 43,488 +334.70 +0.8%  
  Trans: 16,431 -169.75 -1.0%  
  Utils: 1,013 +1.53 +0.2%  
  Nasdaq: 19,630 +291.91 +1.5%  
  S&P 500: 5,997 +59.32 +1.0%  
  Targets    Overview: 01/15/2025  
  Up arrow44,700 or 41,600 by 02/01/2025
  Up arrow17,200 or 15,700 by 02/01/2025
  Up arrow1,050 or 950 by 02/01/2025
  Up arrow20,500 or 18,670 by 02/01/2025
  Up arrow6,100 or 5,700 by 02/01/2025

Bulkowski on Bullish and Bearish Divergence

My book, Trading BasicsTrading Basics: Evolution of a Trader book., discusses divergence in the section titled, "Is Indicator Divergence a Dud?" starting on page 86.

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-- Tom Bulkowski

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Divergence occurs when an indicator trends in one direction and price trends in another direction. Specifically, an indicator will make lower highs while price makes higher peaks, or the indicator will make higher valleys even as price tumbles to new lows.

Divergence is a reliable trading signal, but it's not timely, meaning that price usually follows the direction of the indicator, but it make take months before it does.

Bearish Divergence

Bearish divergence.

Bearish divergence (see adjacent chart) occurs when price makes a higher high but the indicator forms lower highs. The two data streams diverge in direction. Price will eventually, usually, follow the indicator lower.


Bearish Divergence: Identification Guidelines

Price trendUpward forming higher peaks.
Indicator trendLower peaks.
One monthI found that the best divergence signals in the RSI and CCI indicators are when the peaks are spaced less than 2 months apart – 1 month apart is best (daily charts only).
TrendsDraw a trendline along the price peaks and it should slope upward. A trendline drawn along the indicator peaks should trend downward. Don't draw trendlines along the valleys when looking for bearish divergence.

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Bearish Divergence: Trading Tips

If the price trend is up, then look for divergence among the peaks, not the valleys. When you spot divergence, recognize that the price trend may change. This doesn't mean an immediate sale, but you should be ready to flee.

Bullish Divergence

Bullish divergence shows

Bullish divergence (see adjacent chart) occurs when price makes a lower low but the indicator forms higher lows. The two data streams diverge in direction. Price will eventually, usually, follow the indicator higher.


Bullish Divergence: Identification Guidelines

Price trendDownward forming lower valleys.
Indicator trendHigher valleys.
One monthI found that the best divergence signals in the RSI and CCI indicators are when the valleys are spaced less than 2 months apart – 1 month apart is best (daily charts only).
TrendsDraw a trendline along the price valleys and the trendline should slope downward. A trendline drawn along the indicator valleys must slope upward. Don't draw trendlines along the peaks looking for bullish divergence.

Bullish Divergence: Trading Tips

If the price trend is down, then look for divergence among the valleys, not the peaks. When you spot divergence, recognize that the price trend may change. This doesn't mean an immediate buy, but consider taking a position soon, especially if you receive other confirming signals.

-- Thomas Bulkowski

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